Job Skills Matrix

Ensure the right fit for roles and promote career growth - Map and analyze job-related skills to optimize role assignments and career development paths.

The Job Skills Matrix is a valuable tool for ensuring the right fit for roles and promoting career growth by mapping and analyzing job-related skills. By identifying the specific skills required for each role and comparing them with the existing competencies of employees, this matrix enables organizations to optimize role assignments and ensure that the right talent is placed in the right positions. This precise alignment of skills to roles not only enhances productivity but also improves job satisfaction by matching employees with tasks that suit their strengths.

Additionally, the Job Skills Matrix plays a crucial role in career development by providing a clear overview of the skills employees need to advance in their careers. It helps identify gaps in their current capabilities and highlights areas for targeted training or development. As a result, employees are empowered to pursue career paths that align with both their interests and organizational needs, fostering continuous growth and long-term success for both individuals and the company.

Through personalized reports and user-friendly dashboards, Basket4 translates complex psychological and cognitive insights into actionable Key Soft Indicators (KSIs). These KSIs capture the qualitative aspects of performance, offering a unique framework for growth.


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  •   Avenida Paulista, 1079 - 8o. andar
  •   São Paulo - SP - Brazil
  •   01311-200